Green Economy & Photography
Now is the time
Green economy, climate change and green transition - all topics that needs a strong visual language for consumers to interact. Whether its a product, a human connection or the mood of the land, images tells your story.
Whoever you are
Whether you're a corporation or a publication - showing what you're telling is key to user engagement and in the end understanding and change.
Striking images
Striking work gets the story out, it gets seen, talked about and shared. I have made green tech stories with most of the large publications in the US and EU (New York Times, Bloomberg, GEO etc.) and also worked with many Top100 companies in EU. My knowledge and understanding on the area gives you not only a photographer, but someone who understands where youre at, and what you're talking about.
Green Economy
Moving images
Moving images are useful for complex stories and when longer explanations are needed. I've produced well over 200 films on the green transition topic.
Green Economy
Green Economy
What do I do?
All my travel is carbon offset, and all the power needed for, computers, camera batteries etc. come from 100% renewable windpower. New clients must have a green transition plan/agenda or else I cannot service you.</p> <p>I think it's important that we all, small as big start our transition right now, not tomorrow.