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Søren Jensen Engineers for Signify
6 pics.
Green transition for Sjællands Klimaalliance
3 pics.
Purple hues & 4000 miles
23 pics.
Nordic style for Gate 21
16 pics.
Dusseldorf Case Study for Signify
10 pics.
10 years of Danish Tech Challenge
28 pics.
“Nobody comes here” story for Le Temps
16 pics.
Antarctica for Seabourn
16 pics.
Alaïa Bay case study for Signify Interact Sports
11 pics.
The race for renewables is on- for Barrons
19 pics.
Greater Bio for Gate 21
1 pics.
The failed experiment for CNN
12 pics.
Climate adaptation Kokkedal for RealDania
8 pics.
Opens School for Le Temps
12 pics.
Cause and effect – the coalminers of Mongolia.
13 pics.
Green transition and local resistance for Businessweek
4 pics.
Schoolchildren in Denmark Return for Bloomberg Markets
13 pics.
Skinhunger and large pink noses.
15 pics.
Corona school reopening – Wall Street Journal
11 pics.
Covid-19 Copenhagen for Anadolu and Getty Images
12 pics.
Interact City and NYPA case study
5 pics.
DSI Freezing Solutions
24 pics.
Bloomberg Markets Energy Issue
9 pics.
C40 Mayors Summit – Greater Copenhagen promotion film
FUTURE Case & Regions film
Signify Case Study – ArcelorMittal Sagunto
Bladt Industries – visual branding
14 pics.
Singer Bisse for The Murmur
7 pics.
Conde Nast – Seabourn Ventures
Aydin Soei for The Murmur
3 pics.
Rufus Gifford for The Murmur
3 pics.
Khaterah Parwani for The Murmur
3 pics.
MSC Magnifica Cruise Ship
Eske Kath for The Murmur
6 pics.
Visa pour l’image for Journalisten
7 pics.
Lawyer Bettina Antitsch
6 pics.
Martin Lehmann for The Murmur
3 pics.
Jens Rodhe for The Murmur
3 pics.
Europe’s New Borders
18 pics.
World Cup Qatar 2022
23 pics.
Winter transit in Slavonski Brod, Croatia.
18 pics.
Too late. Idomeni, Greece
16 pics.
Ditte, a schizotypal life.
17 pics.