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This is Jasmina. She's 20 years old, and lost her husband when Myanmar military attacked her village on the 30. August this year. As they ran out the house her husband was shot twice from gun fire, and her brother also. She helped them up and with the help of other people they fled to Bangladesh which took them 3 days crossing high mountains and muddy terrain. Her brother died on the way and her husband died 1 hour after they reached safety in Bangladesh. He is now buried next to the worlds largest refugee camp Kutupalong in southern Bangladesh, on a small hill where Jasmina cannot go as a woman, in a country she doesn't know, and in 1 month she will give birth to their second child. I've only been here 2,5 days now, and have yet to meet someone without this type of horrible story. So if you're sitting at home, go donate to any NGO who's out here. BRAC, UNICEF, MOAS etc. its needed beyond anything I've ever seen. Why? The more the NGOs have for this crisis, the less pressure it puts on the Bangladesh government to quick fix this by once again sending the Rohingyas home to uncertainty and further apartheid and violence. This needs time to get done right

This is Jasmina. She’s 20 years old, and lost her husband when Myanmar military attacked her village on the 30. August this year. As they ran out the house her husband was shot twice from gun fire, and her brother also. She helped them up and with the help of other people they fled to Bangladesh which took them 3 days crossing high mountains and muddy terrain. Her brother died on the way and her husband died 1 hour after they reached safety in Bangladesh. He is now buried next to the worlds largest refugee camp Kutupalong in southern Bangladesh, on a small hill where Jasmina cannot go as a woman, in a country she doesn’t know, and in 1 month she will give birth to their second child.
I’ve only been here 2,5 days now, and have yet to meet someone without this type of horrible story.
So if you’re sitting at home, go donate to any NGO who’s out here. BRAC, UNICEF, MOAS etc. its needed beyond anything I’ve ever seen. Why? The more the NGOs have for this crisis, the less pressure it puts on the Bangladesh government to quick fix this by once again sending the Rohingyas home to uncertainty and further apartheid and violence. This needs time to get done right

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